#https://www.info-sec.ca/email-block.txt #email attachment block/quarantine - updated march 1 2024 #ymmv - use of this list is at your own risk #contains the list from https://www.govcert.ch/downloads/blocked-filetypes.txt , thanks to GovCERT.ch #likely to quarantine legitimate mail doc xls ppt htm html rpmsg #possible to quarantine legitimate mail 386 001 3gr 7z a3x aac accde ace acm ade adp aif ani apk app application appref-ms appx appxbundle appxmanifest arj asax asf ashx asp asx au3 avb avi bas bat bin blg btm bz bz2 bzip bzip2 cab camp cdmp cer chm cla class cmd cnt cnv com compositefont cpio cpl crl crt csh daa deb der diagcab dib dll dmg dochtml docm docxml dot dothtml dotm dotx dqy drv eml exd exe f4v fat fcs flv fon fxp gadget gms grp gz gzip hfs hlp hpj ht hta htc htt hxs igp img inf ini ins iqy iso isp its jar jnlp job js jse key ksh lha lib lnk lz lzh lzma m3u m4v mad maf mag mam maq mar mas mat mau mav maw mcf mda mdb mde mdt mdw mdz mht mhtm mhtml mic mime mov mp2 mp4 mpd mpeg mpg msc msh msh1 msh1xml msh2 msh2xml mshxml msi msix msixbundle msp mst msu nsh ntfs ocx odt ogg one onepkg ops osd otrkey pcd pif pl plg pnf pot potm ppa ppam pps ppsm ppsx pptm prf prg printerexport ps1 ps1xml ps2 ps2xml psc1 psc2 psd1 psdm1 pst pub pwz py pyc pyo pyw pyz pyzw r00 r01 r02 r03 r04 r05 r06 r07 r08 r09 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 r16 r17 r18 r19 r20 r21 r22 r23 r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 r29 ra ram rar reg rev rm rmj rpm rtf rv scf scr scpt sct settingcontent-ms sh shb shs shtml sldm slk smi squashfs svg swm sys tar taz tbz tbz2 tgz theme tlb tmp tnef tpz tsp ttf txz tzst url uu uue uuencode vb vbe vbp vbs vdo vhd vhdx viv vob vr_ie5 vsmacros vss vst vsto vsw vxd wax wbk wbt webarchive webpnp website wim wiz wma wmf wml wmv ws wsc wsf wsh xar xbap xdp xla xlam xld xlk xll xlm xlsb xlsm xlst xlt xltm xltx xlw xml xmls xmlx xnk xxe xz z zst Z